Join Tonight’s Webinar

Our Opportunities in Review webinar on Monday night’s are for members only.

If you sign up for a free 30 day trial, you will be included and a link to the webinar will be sent fifteen minutes before the start time.

The webinar start time will be 7pm tonight.

Start a trial today here.

CIMIC – a high risk buy

CIM:ASX is likely to see improved earnings in FY22 and we expect to soon see a recovery in the share price.

CIMIC is a high risk counter trend investment with the prospect of a multi-year recovery, once earnings hit an inflection point.

12/4 CIMIC is now trading above the 10 day average.

A2 Milk – Buy Triggered

A2M:ASX is a high-risk recovery play into the second half of 2021. The driver will be a stabilization in the earnings picture and/or the potential for a takeover offer.

Investors may consider delaying the entry until we see a break above the 10 day average.


The buy condition is now triggered with today’s price action above the 10-day average.


A2 Milk is now trading above the 10 day average.