US Yields – Push Higher

A rise in the yield of U.S. benchmark government debt has pushed it near thresholds that could fuel a wave of Treasury selling by mortgage investors, a scenario likely to exacerbate the bond selloff and cause rates to spike even further. 

In Monday night’s webinar we’ll review the impact rising yields are having on asset allocation and stock selection models. – 1H21

Carsales.Com is under Algo Engine buy conditions and is a current holding in our ASX 100 model portfolio. The stock is up 14% since being added in December 2020.

1H21 result with adjusted EBITDA of $125 is up 16% on the same time last year. With the stock trading on 30+PE, the short-term upside is limited.

Forward yield into FY22 now stands at 2.6%, which is supported by 10%+ EPS growth.